12 Nov 2006

i was at far east wif eboy and zen just now...
we went for dinner at kfc...

my 1 and only meal of e day.
i simply woke up too late for breakfast, and din really feel like lunch.
im nt sheereen, k?

niwae... after eating we went to check out e stuff at far east....
have u actually read the graffitti on the walls there?
its scary that a vast majority is actually christian.

its disturbing how so many youths today are dedicating their lives to worshipping a god they cannot scientifically prove exists.
also, i find that the things that they scrawl very inflammatory.
for example...
"do not worship false idols"
isn't it just peachy that they say that while not being able to prove the existence of their god either?

singapore is a diverse country...
aggressive evangelising could seriously destabalise the framework of our nation.
im definitely not alone in saying that christians are becoming too aggressive in their efforts to convert people.
many people feel likewise.
im currently passively aggressive towards evangelistic christians.
i wont harm them bodily.
if they physically try to force me to do anything against my will, such as accept christian material,
i will use all means neccesary to stop them from continuing their efforts.
i will definitely not rule out violence, armed or unarmed.
if any christian tries to convert me im gonna ask them 2 fuck off.
if they get pushy im gonna fucking cut them dead.

did you know that legally, in singapore, such evangelistic efforts are in theory illegal.
of course, this is not enforced usually unless an official complaint is made.
which is, well, never.
by the time the police get there the little zealots are gone.

anyway... i SERIOUSLY find the overtly christian evangelistic PROPAGANDA disturbing.
one day im gonna paint over it.
im being serious.
if we're still allowed i'm gonna take a whole wall and THEORY G IS GONNA TAG ON IT!!!!

niwae... back to topic...
i dont like the ways that christians try so hard to evangelise.
religion is a matter of choice.
its well and good to try and inform people about the details of your religion.
but as like advertising, its too destructive to compare your religion to others, or say things you cant prove.
especially when the majority of people would beg to differ.

as for me...
religion is the opiate of the masses.
i dont want to be just another wasted junkie.
life is too short to have faith in what cant be proven.
an atheist scientist would have a very interesting conversation with a rank-and-file christian.
lemme give an example...

Christian: God is great!
Scientist: what god?
Christian: the god who is all-knowing, my lord and saviour.
Scientist: so... do you know this god? and does he really know all?
Christian: yes... and yes!
Scientist: well... then ask him for a cure for cancer, then.
Christian: err... god works in mysterious ways!
Scientist: o...k... then... where exactly is this god?
Christian: god is in each and every one of our hearts. all the time.
Scientist: well... he must be pretty cramped, living in a muscle. and so if he's there how many gods do you worship? billions?
Christian: nope... just one... who lives in each and every one of us.
Scientist: o...k... he must be amazing, if he can be in so many places and still remain as one.
kinda reminds me of a colony of ants. whats his name?
Christian: err... his name is actually jehovah. or yahweh. or yhwh. and his son, also god, is jesus christ. and there is the holy
spirit who lives in us.
Scientist: so you have 3 gods, 1 of which has 3 split personalities and 1 of which is everywhere in the world at the same time.
Christian: NONONONONO! its just 1 god... with 3 aspects...
Scientist: ...
are you worshippin mick foley?
Christian: mick foley? who's that?
Scientist: he's a wrestler.
Christian: OMG! u watch WRESTLING? its SATANIC! i'm gonna pray for u!
Scientist: err... if it makes you happy go ahead. so anyway... you're worshipping 1 god... with 3 versions... 1 of which
apparently has an identity crisis. are you acid trippin'?
Christian: no... my GOD IS REAL! and he LOVES YOU!
Scientist: now u just sound like a hippie.
Christian: but my god is real, and-
Scientist: prove it.
Christian: err... well... the bible says so.
Scientist: so a book says so. going by the same logic the little mermaid exists and 3 bears can talk 2 gals who eat their
porridge, eh?
Christian: ...

LOLS. now its 3 am. im too bored and sleepy to blog already.
haha... CYA TML, THEORY G!


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