3 May 2009

you know what's wrong with AWARE?
they're hypocrites.
they claim to be promoting gender equality.
they don't.
they're promoting women's superiority.

notice that in singapore there is no institutionalized discrimination against women.
yet there is institutionalized discrimination against men.

notice how there's a women's charter but no men's charter.
its the stuff like that that makes the very existence of AWARE total bullshit.

you wanna know what's equality?
equality means we all have to shave our heads and run up hills with rifles.
equality means we can punch any woman that pisses us off without disapproving nods, like is done with men.
THAT'S your fucking equality.

its bullshit whenever guys say they can't do housework because "thats a woman's job".
its bullshit whenever women say they can't (or rather, won't) do manual labour because they're "weaker".

so this is your fucking equality. you can't have your cake and eat it as well.
you still want your damn equality?

lemme tell you a secret.
there's NO SUCH THING as equality.
equality is a stupid concept, because in order to be truly equal men and women must be EXACTLY THE SAME.
men and women are not the same.
(oh look, here comes the AWARE feminazis with their jackboots)
men and women are complementary.
there are some places where men excel and others where women excel.
(of course, its still very possible for a women to excel where a man would more likely do so)
for example, men are still better at brute strength and women are usually more agile.
this is just... well, physiology.
it doesn't mean shit.
so fucking deal with it.
there'll NEVER be true equality and THAT'S the way it should be.

When I first met you girl you didn't have no shoes
Now you're walking 'round like you're front page news
You've been awful careful 'bout the friends you choose
But you won't find my name in your book of who's who

Steppin' Stone- Minor Threat


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