17 May 2009


was a fucking fantastic gig yesterday, and i'm feeling bloody sore.
i'll write this up band by band.
  • Al Grande Terrismo
They're this prog DM band that has this gimmick as arab terrorists. i hope its a gimmick and nothing more, at least. either way they played a short set of 3 songs, because 1 of the members had to go to his son's birthday. either way they weren't too "brutal", more on the proggy side. a lot to say about them, a lot of guitar effects used to simulate arabic folk instruments. and some traditional arab chanting as well, afaik. they kinda remind me a bit of orphaned land.
  • Stillborn
I don't even remember actually. i was at the merch table. yeah i don't know where it came from but some guy turned up with LOADS of stuff and just spread them out on the pool table. i bought Absence of the Sacred's debut for 10 bucks. i later got mike priest to sign it. there were tons other stuff, though. mainly dm and bm. CDs were going for either 10 or 20. i saw impiety's dominator EP going for 20. i didn't have enough cash though. as it was i spent over 30 bucks total. oh and pins were going for 1 buck. though none of them interested me.

  • Helmskey
This band wasn't so good. instrumentally proficient, but a bit core-ish. especially in the vocals. so i just sat and watched.

oh and from this band onwards i can't remember the damn lineup anymore, other than AOTS being last.

  • Xanadoo
They played bay area style thrash metal, perfect for me. so i went in to mosh blah blah. everything was a blurry haze of limbs in my face. i remember though they covered exodus's fabulous disaster and kreator's some-song-i-don't-rmb-except-i-think-it-was-extreme-aggression.

  • Draconis Infernum
Enter the corpsepaint brigade (or as awal referred to them, the "KISS" lookalike band.) very good performance in the vein of classic old school 2nd wave BM. the singer was a rather good front man. in the first song response was kinda lukewarm. and yes, the frontman was good enough to get a response out of the crowd. and they play 1 intensely brutal gig, very fucking metal. non stop moshpits. stage diving. hell, i stage dived. it was ok, nothing "awesome" or what. i'm surprised that the crowd managed to hold ME up for more than 2 seconds though. so kudos to anyone who carried me. They were so fucking great that i bought their album. before i was aching at HMV whether or not to buy it, since it WAS 30 BUCKS THERE OR SO. so i bought the album direct from the band at 10 bucks and got it signed too. FUCK HMV

oh and awal left after this, because he had some stuff on. next time its my turn to go to HIS gig.

  • Ossuary
Very good band in the vein of groove metal. they played 1 song by Meshuggah. i have no idea what it is, being unfamiliar with Meshuggah. i know they played Refuse/Resist by Sepultura, featuring guest vocals from Kadir of Oshiego. that was good. everyone loved it, i loved it. i was loving it from a barstool, since this was right after draconis infernum and i was too fagged out. william especially loved it though.

  • Thy Fallen Kingdom
Decent band, another good frontman. i bought their EP for 10 bucks. rather worth it. their frontman's this angmoh guy. i guess thats why he's good lah. he actually talked to the crowd, a bit of back and forth banter and the like. i mean most local bands just introduce themselves and their songs, and thats it. so anyway it kinda reminds me of King Diamond-esque Death-Thrash. decent band to check out. Oh and i got them to sign my EP too.
  • Oshiego
Lot's been said about Oshiego. they're mainly death/thrash-ish metal with some arab influence in their guitar solos. just a pinch. anyway i wasn't expecting too much from them after hearing their preview song on MySpace. they turned out rather decent though, performed well. i think they've some way to go. seeing that their new EP was basically half made of Their old EP in entirety. i don't know if they were re recorded or what, but they were mostly old songs +maybe 3 or 4 new songs.
  • Absence Of The Sacred
Last band of the night, and frontman Mike Priest thanked us "all for coming out and supporting real metal, not Avenged Sevenfold". Cue chants of SEVENFOLD SUCKS. they played a very good set, including some songs off their album that i bought earlier. 1st, i guess. oh and they debuted a new song which turned out good. overall a great set. i later got mike priest to sign my CD. but not the rest of the band, seeing that only Mike's left from that CD's lineup.

Overall a very good gig, very worth the cash i paid for tix. could've been improved in some ways though. like cheap beer. and more merch vendors. but hey, we can't have everything. very fucking metal gig.

Hordes of my black faith
under banners of hate
now i shall dictate

Keepers of the twin horns
rest in our black hearses
Unite the cursed ones
One with our inner beasts

Kill for me
Sacrifice unto me

Putrid lives, WORSHIP ME
Worship Me- Draconis Infernum

11 May 2009

Exhume To Consume

Grimly I dig up the turfs
To remove the corrupted stiffs
Trying to contain my excitement
As I desecrate graveolent crypts…
Fingers claw at coffin lids
Eager festal exhumation
Hugging your wry, festered remains
With posthumous joy and elation…
Body snatched, freshly interred
Whatever takes my fancy
To satisfy my gratuitous pica
My culinary necromancy…
Scrutinised then brutalized
My forensic inquisition is fulfilled
My recipe is now your epitaph
Be it fried, boiled or grilled…
I devour the pediculous corpse
Whetting my palate as I exhume
The festering stench of rotting flesh
Makes me drool as I consume…
Caskets I grate
My larder’s a grave
I’m sickly obsessed (with the badly decomposed)
Rotten remains I eat
Purulent meat
What a funeral feast (putrid reek)
Weeping tissue is stripped
Pus dribbles from my lips
Pulverising this pustular chaff
Butchering up morgues makes me laugh…
Ulcerated flesh I munch
Rotting corpses are my lunch
On bones I love to crunch (on the badly decomposed)
Shrivelled innards I lick
The corpse’s head I kick
Crumbling shreds I pick (eat the stiffs)

(Solo: morbid melody for the deceased with salt to taste)

Rancid flesh, slaughter the dead
Caskets exhumed…
Corpses disinterred, graves disturbed
To consume…
Bereaved relatives are not amused
As on their dear departed I feverishly consume…
Slavering worms, decomposure burns
Corrosion born, as bacteria gnaw
Precipiate…(from the muddy grave)
Caskets I grate
My larder’s a grave
I’m sickly obsessed (with the badly decomposed)
Rotten remains I eat
Purulent meat
What a funeral feast (putrid reek)
Saponified fats, nibbled by rats
Freshly exhumed…
Deep down six feet is where I like to eat
Human flesh to consume…

Exhume To Consume- Carcass

Damn i love goregrind lyrics. (I hate pornogrind lyrics though. they're fucking stupid.)

3 May 2009

you know what's wrong with AWARE?
they're hypocrites.
they claim to be promoting gender equality.
they don't.
they're promoting women's superiority.

notice that in singapore there is no institutionalized discrimination against women.
yet there is institutionalized discrimination against men.

notice how there's a women's charter but no men's charter.
its the stuff like that that makes the very existence of AWARE total bullshit.

you wanna know what's equality?
equality means we all have to shave our heads and run up hills with rifles.
equality means we can punch any woman that pisses us off without disapproving nods, like is done with men.
THAT'S your fucking equality.

its bullshit whenever guys say they can't do housework because "thats a woman's job".
its bullshit whenever women say they can't (or rather, won't) do manual labour because they're "weaker".

so this is your fucking equality. you can't have your cake and eat it as well.
you still want your damn equality?

lemme tell you a secret.
there's NO SUCH THING as equality.
equality is a stupid concept, because in order to be truly equal men and women must be EXACTLY THE SAME.
men and women are not the same.
(oh look, here comes the AWARE feminazis with their jackboots)
men and women are complementary.
there are some places where men excel and others where women excel.
(of course, its still very possible for a women to excel where a man would more likely do so)
for example, men are still better at brute strength and women are usually more agile.
this is just... well, physiology.
it doesn't mean shit.
so fucking deal with it.
there'll NEVER be true equality and THAT'S the way it should be.

When I first met you girl you didn't have no shoes
Now you're walking 'round like you're front page news
You've been awful careful 'bout the friends you choose
But you won't find my name in your book of who's who

Steppin' Stone- Minor Threat

1 May 2009

Political Dishwashing

Capitalism: You wash the dishes, THE ONES WHO OWN THEM PROFIT.

Libertarianism: We talk about changing the way dishes are washed. THAT'S ALL THAT HAPPENS.

Anarchism: We wash our own dishes.

Democracy: As a dishwasher, you deserve a say in which politician is best suited to protect the economy THAT KEEPS YOU IN THE KITCHEN.

Nationalism: Forget about those dishes for a second-you're a citizen of the proudest nation on earth!

Fascism: You wash the dishes with a gun against your head.

Neoliberalism (AKA Free Trade): The dishes are shipped overseas to be washed and you're free to twiddle your thumbs while you starve.

Socialism: It is decided, outside the dishroom, that you shall wash everyone's dishes.

Communism: You wash dishes in a gulag with thousands others.
the dishes are red and you're happy to wash them.

Syndicalism: The dishwashers join labor syndicates that send representatives to a council, at which it is decided which dishes are to be washed and when.

Anarcha-Feminism: Let THE MEN wash the dishes. Washing dishes is DEMEANING to women's liberation.

Anarcho-Primitivism: Down with dishes! We eat with our hands now!

Insurrectionary Anarchism: A quixotic attempt to distill a political theory from the practice of smashing dishes.

So would you rather the man tell you to wash the dishes because it is in "our nation's best interests"

or would you rather wash your own dishes because you want to?

My baloney has a first name
It’s S-A-T-A-N
My baloney has a second name
It’s D-U-V-E-L

Mephiskapheles- Mephiskapheles