29 Jul 2007

Who Would Jesus Bomb?


the pap WERE good for singapore, and brought stability during our early years.
for this we should be grateful.
but now the people are no longer stupid.
the people are well-educated and enlightened.
hence, we are now in a (theoretical) position to question our governance.

yes, i believe that the pap should allow more freedom.
but i dont think (unfortunately) that there is any credible opposition in singapore as of now.
chee soon juan, jbj and chiam see tong are the only noteworthy ones.
there is freedom in singapore.
freedom, as in...
freedom for the free (pap)

no one is innocent.
we shouldn't glorify the opposition just because they are the opposition.
they may (and i think so) be admired for daring to stand up to the fascist regime.
but politically, they may or may not be sound.
(i fucking love that. 1 day i'll carve it into my skin or smth.)

familiarity breeds contempt.
if the opposition was in power, eventually this problem will come back.
continuous revolution is needed to fight for freedom, under the black flag.

singaporeans are too apathetic about politics.
shouldn't we all have a philosophical stand on how we should live our lives?
similarily, we all should have a political opinion as political decisions affect every aspect of our lives.

there IS room for freedom of political expression in singapore.
granted, political discussion in singapore is highly self-regulated for fear of free defamation suits.
and political expression in singapore is almost always idle talk.
but talk is better than nothing.

we've all have the right to decide how our lives should be lived.
we all should vote for the lesser evil (in singapore).

i personally would very much more like to have NO government at all.
the government honestly causes more problems than it solves.
there is a difference between just laws and unjust laws.
just laws we cannot do without.
they are neccesary to prevent the country from descending into anarchy (which i'd honestly enjoy, actually)
but realistically,
in an actual case of anarchy, people will eventually band together to form a government of sorts.
that is, to enforce just laws like no murder no thievery and the such.
eventually, it'll result that the government becomes unjust, tyrannical and repressive.
welcome to 1984.

the government is a neccesary evil.
but a continuous regime breeds corruption and abuse of power.
what we need is a constantly changing government.
like the guards at spandau prison.

continuous revolution is required to prevent abuse of power.
Sic Semper Tyrannis (thus always to tyrants)
"The tree of liberty must continually be refreshed by the blood of patriots.
that is, unfortunately true.
its kinda a contradiction that i love my country yet hate the government.
singapore's actually a bloody nice place to live in.
we're safe and our basic needs are taken care of.
and for that i'm grateful.
but we need to stop this before we descend into a orwellian society.
the police do not have the right to search or question us without reason.
suspicion only doesn't mean much.

big brother is coming.
we will have to stop this before we reach 1984.

welcome to 1984.

who would jesus bomb, yyeah?
who would jesus kill?
this double talk is past surreal.
the word of god is now the word of hate.
where is peace and freedom in this police state.
can't you see the writing on the wall?
democracy lies trampled on the floor...
now isn't freedom great?

25 Jul 2007

lUUrrrbxx lUrBBx eUUzzz...

aii ReAlIzE De ArHhXxx...
Ai s0 lOnG Mak3 mY Diss bL0g...
aI sTill NebbErr PRopElly Intro MySeLf De L0rxx...
PaI SeHzzz...
s0 ruDEss...
N0w Ai inTro lorhhxx...

woshi SELWYN!
aI is a CutE B0iBoi!!1
aI iSS 18 tHis earrx dez...

Ai Likkez t0 g0 oUt wiff aLL Moixx frEnzz...
lIke m0i gorhxx WILLIAM!

m0i favvie c0lOUr i5 p!nK!
aii lykkes t0 g0 sh0pping de...
aT bUgIs aNd cIne therr...
s0mettimezz me is lazzy t0 go so far de...
s0 Me Go t0 j8 tHeRe sHoP InSTead DerhXX...
mY faVVie brAndzz r PuReMilLk, BilLaBoNg, qUiKsIlVer, nEwBie...
oH YahXX...
stIll GOt V0n DuTcH!!!
vErY c00l lehshh!!!!11

aI oSo lyykes t0 tAke ne0Printzz...
aI aLWayzz taKKe wivv Moixx g0RHxx eRin!
aI kNoww hE iS gUy leHHx.
bUT aIi thInkk hE bERi sUAI!
mEbbexx 1 dAy muAh aNd HiM ccAn FaLl In lurbxx...
hE iShh s0 CUTEXX!!!

ai ntH tO Do thEN b0 PiAn sTaYY aT hOme l0rhzz...
plAy mAplEstORRyxx...
beRRy Cool lehXX!!!1
aIi ishh a LvL 73 CleRRikk...
bErry PowweRzz l0Rrz dE llEhxX...

aI alSSoz lyKKe t0 lIStteNN hEaVy MEttaLLzz...
c00l sIa...
aii Lykkess bAndZZ lyKezz...
fEi lUn HAi (fArrEnHaItt)
tHHey daMM mETTalzz!!!1
dUnNo waii eBberRy1z lUff wHeNN Ai tEllzz tHHeMM Ai Liss+En t0 hEavvY MetAL lYke fEiI LuNN hAI...
n+ fa1r l0rZZ...
tHey aLL bullY m0iXX...
liStennz t0 n0iZyy sHIt l0rHHxx...
duNNo wAd wEIrrdd weiiRRd bAnnd l0rzz...
dUnNo wAdzz...
dUnnO wAd Sai l0rhxx...
s0 Noizzyy...

dIIshh iSSh M0Ixx lorzz...
Aii wAnnzZz l0TTs of FreNzz...
s0 bE m0i pEnG yOu, kkiez?
aDd m0iz oN mSn LoRhXx...
bByeZz, KaYz?/?


if any1 managed to sit through that load of bull without wanting to puke, congrats.
because i sure did even when i was typing that bull out.

william showed me this webbie.
its really funny.
so go read it, k?
even if u just scan through this entire post without reading

there is no such thing as a chinese metal band, btw.
or even hard rock.
nt that i'm anti asian.
there are lotsa metal bands.
american, scandinavian.. even japanese.
except chinese.
so blame the pop scene for an abscence of technical proficiency in chinese music.

Heavy Metal Is The Law, by Helloween.

Heavy Metal is the law that keeps us all united free
A law that shatters earth and hell
Heavy Metal can't be beaten by any dynasty
We're all wizards fightin' with our spell

23 Jul 2007

Has He Lost His Mind? Can He See Or Is He Blind?

i finally finished my web d creative journal.
its a fucking load of crap.
its just like art and craft.
i failed that, btw.
i made a glorified scrapbook.
(which i think looks horrible)
i hope i'll get a d.
that's the best i've been getting in quite a while.

my fucking i and e project has postponed.
due to vvapid incompetence from the bunch of fuckheads that make up my group.
half the time they're uncontactable.
the other half, they don't complete what they've been arrowed.
i asked mohan to get 5m bby 5m of cardboard.
he called me last week with 3 fucking boxes.
that fucking idiot left this to the last minute,
see what happens?
and no, i didn't do my part last minute.
i called ppl up a month in advance.
fuck yeah.
for once i do what i'm supposed to.
this is the kinda crap i get.
moral of the story,
group projects are inherently evil.
but only if you're selwyn.

fuck it lah.
i'm never getting along with any1, more or less.
and no.
i'm not blaming any1 for that but myself.
it doesn't matter.
someday i'd like to let everything burn.
kill 'em all.

ever heard the song iron man?
its about an iron man (literally) who saved the world.
but after a while he was taken for granted and ignored.
so he retreats into his shell.
makes plans.
and "kills the people he once saved"

one day i'll be just like that.
i've tried to be nice to every1 bbefore.
it doesn't work.
it never does.
probably because i'm inherently unlovable.
i don't care.
one day, i'll kill you all.

MUNKY gone to heaven- the pixies.

Everything is gonna burn
we'll all take turns
i'll get mine, too
this Munky's gone to heaven.

16 Jul 2007


William listen to this.

its the video for the song one.
it features scenes from the movie Johnny Got His Gun.
You'll never hear this son the same again.
i swear this song is sad.
the video version is sadder.
here's a transcript of some of the words.

Where am I?
What happened?
I need help

What is democracy?
It got something to do with young men killing each other, Arthur
When it comes my turn, will you want me to go?
For democracy, any man would give his only begotten son.

It is impossible for any severed individual to experience pain.
Dreams or thought of any kind
This young man will be as unfeeling
As unthinking as the dead
Until the day he joins them

Hold my breath as I wish for death
Oh please God, wake me

I need help
I'm in terrible trouble and I need help

Imprisoning me
All that I see
Absolute horror
I cannot live
I cannot die
Trapped in myself
Body my holding cell

It's Morse code
For what?

Kill me
I'm asking you to kill me
Thank you

Each man faces death by himself

15 Jul 2007

Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?

I manually wrote this out last night.
am typing it out now.

Just came back from dinner with fl.
am with larry and eugene now, just tcss.
(isnt it kinda sad that i dont do this with my crew or the rest of my friends?)
had a long chat with fl.
it hit me.
why do i care abt stuff like live earth or racism when my friendships are breaking down?
no, i'm not blaming myself.
even today...
i asked you all out for supper.
every1 shld be kinda free.
isn't too late, isn't too early.
in hougang.
nt too far either.
guess what?
ended up its just me and fl.

i rmb last time i said bl's falling apart.
yuxan said bl isn't falling apart.
he said i'm the 1 falling apart.
guess what?
we both were right.
i'm falling apart, partially bcos so's bl.
i wouldnt be falling apart this badly if you guys had the time to actually listen to me and talk abt stuff.
i just dreamt abt her last night again.
and im now thinking of her again.
which i always do (not on purpose) when i've nth to do.
i'm crying again, and you guys are NEVER here for me when i'm down.
only once, so far.
yuxuan and nic and william came down.
the rest were totally dead.

i'll reiterate what i said before.
for fuck?
talk nia.
sec 3...
10 peng you...
ai chor mia...
si mi brudda?
last holidays we din even meet up you know.
fl just made me realise.
lemme list up...

William-sometimes will meet up, if his training schedule permits, he'll try his best to work time in for us. its ALL downhill from here.

fl-NPCC lor. i dont like lah. hao ren bu zhuo zhuo mata. but its taking too much of his time too. but at least he could drag himself to have supper with me last night. its not a scheduling thing.
its the desire.
the rest of his time taken up by study.
this 1 for him cant complain.
ppl like nic... always say stuudies nt gd liao.
cock nia.
y haven't retain?
fl is real 1.
retain liao.
dropping out, maybe.
sounds like me.

ccl-always in wushu. either rp wushu, holy wushu or punggol cc wushu. no time 4 friends now liao. sadly, this is still betta than the rest.

NOD-my fault. i thought he change number, so i nv rly call him.
he joined us last night, but had to go off to shop at NTUC though.
i miss him.

fab-parents are strict. and apparently he's having family problems now too. cant rly blame him. maybe soon i wont be the only 1 with divorced parents. that'll be cool.

its now above all.
he'll only CONSIDER fitting us in if he's bored to death and sick of playing com AND feels like it.
he makes us feel like we're not holy enough to be his friends.
he's now officially forsaken us in favour of his church friends.
i think you're a fuckin' prat now.
hey dude.
we're sinners?
no one is innocent.
i'll quote fl here.
"hao join bu join qu join hallelujah."
and i rmb in sec 2 cm said he hated christians for being evangelistic.
well he's turned into what he hates.

yuxuan-you're now putting b-boying above your friends.
shldn't hip hop be about the social aspect. crew. social group. not just meet once a week officially. you didnt even notice when i cut training to finish my news project last week. And today you didnt even inform me that training was cancelled. i only found out bcos i met nic by chance.
it seems there isn't room in the crew for ppl who aren't clones of you.
and what happened to friends outside of the crew?
guess what i heard?
last yeat you ps-ed fl's birthday.
to train, apparently.
and fl thought you spoke for all of us.
which 1 more important to you now?
you dont even reply, even when i ask you a question.
you dont need to, actually. your answer's always a very bored sounding no.
and thats when you're not saying you "dont see a need" for helping your friends.

Wilson-you're more or less yuxuan's clone now. refer to above.
the only difference is your EXCUSE.
sometimes you reply and say dont want.
you either make up some stuff on or say "dont want. because i dont want."

Weng tat-refer to wilson. only difference is that you blatantly say you're too lazy.
you're just like a less bored-sounding version of yuxuan.

in summary, lemme quote somethings.
"ever felt like life was a tug of war and your mind was the rope"
thats not my life. mine's more to...
"ever felt like life was a tug of war and all the players walked off?"

i'm eighteen, by alice cooper.

Lines form on my face and hands
Lines form from the ups and downs
I'm in the middle without any plans
I'm a boy and I'm a man

I'm eighteen
and I don't know what I want
I just don't know what I want
I gotta get away
I gotta get out of this place
I'll go runnin in outer space
Oh yeah

I got a
baby's brain and an old man's heart
Took eighteen years to get this far
Don't always know what I'm talkin' about
Feels like I'm livin in the middle of doubt
Cause I'm eighteen.

YES, I'M 18 NOT 20.

13 Jul 2007

Inherently Funny

you know...
you should never (in future) name your kids some things.
they're just drawing taunts and jokes, innit?
some names are just inherently funny...


dick (i think this is kinda obvious)
harry (hairy. no wonder LKY doesnt use this name anymore)
tom (from the kids joke "tom dick & harry=tom's dick is hairy)
jesus (let's see YOUR kid save the world, huh? and GG Allin was originally called jesus, btw. nt that you'd know who he was.)
Jack (hey jack! how often do you jack?)
Jill (same thing.)
John (its a euphemism for toilet)
any name ending with -son or -ston. (stereotypical beng name.)
Randy (if you dont get this, go watch austin powers.)

there are tons of names that are inherently funny.
watch the simpsons, for example.

guessed what happened to my com last night?
the memory available just kept decreasing until it hit zero.
i wasn't downloading anything.
i thought there were trojans running, and taking up memory.
william said it was because i watched too much porn.
actually i thought he was right, and was kinda irritated.
so i ran some free anti virus program overnight.
didn't finish scanning.
yep. overnight.

but guess what?
this moning i tried shutting down and restarting my com.
something i've negelcted doing for the longest time.
and guess what?
i now (surprisingly) have 7 over gigs free!
so anyway...
to the mac users reading this, shut down ur com once in a while!
oh wait.
there's only 1 (at most. im nt sure if u still read.) mac user who reads here.
and u already shut down ur com anyway.
i just wasted my time typing this.
oh well.
i've got too much time left anyway.

and apparently training's cancelled on sunday.
i heard from nic.
i've a feeling i wouldn't've known otherwise.
as in...
they wouldn't've informed me.

oh well.
i can't do much anyway.

the crew isn't turning out the way i envisioned.
last week i skipped to finish up 2 projects and apparently no1 noticed, or even asked.
fuck it.

i'm busy wwith projects now.
more or less i have no interest in them.
i'm now more or less not interested in school.
now in newswriting.
it isnt exactly fun.
in school i dont really get along closely with my class.
i'm basically a loner.
i dunno.
i'm kinda getting used to it.
my ipod is now my best friend.

there are no constants in life.
when you think some1 or something will always be there for you, its invariably a lie.
and when some1 says anything with forever in it, its a lie too.
basically everything i hear is a lie.
the only constant in life is death.

Pull Harder on The strings of your martyr, by trivium.

Pull Harder on the String of your Martyr
you cry
that's a lie
Flush gasping white reddening
you smile and destroy it
It's time that we end this
It's our curse that make this world so hopeless
Allowing our king to spread his genocidal wings

8 Jul 2007


guess what?
my I and E module is coming up.
fucking hell.

originally we were supposed to b-boy in the atrium, then my friends sell hot dogs.

well i cant get enough ppl.
zen, being zen, doesnt wanna skip school.
nic's just the same.
yuxuan doesnt want to, because he just doesnt.
wilson too. (CULT OF YUXUAN LOL)

so anyway.
scrap liao.
change plan.
MMA xhibition.
so basically i'm gonna get a couple of goons to fight in the atrium.
if we're lucky, we fight on cardboard.
if not, its tiles.
this is kinda fucked up.

ppl who are fighting so far.

Me (its my own fuckin' project. i'd betta.)
Fabian (i did his fuckin' project for him. he OWES me)
Noel (this fucker's a natural born fighter anyway. he's got the body and school's optional for him. mise well.)
William (Got the body. he's got shit technique though, so i'll have to coach him a bit 1st.)
Chin Ling (I hope he still rmb how to fight. he'll be really out of his element if any1 takes him to the floor though.)
Chit Ming (he's so light, 1 punch could knock him out. if i cant get a suitably sized opponent he'll probably be judge.)

i've a strange feeling its gonna be fuckin' fun.
i've asked benami annd jian feng too.
hopefully i can get some lighter ppl, or it'll just be insanely huge goons shoving each other around.
then i can get cm in the squared (cardboard) circle, too!

and i've to come up with some "fight music".
it should be quite fun.
eye of the tiger is a MUST!
and 'till i collapse.
i'll conjure something up.
oh i managed to finish my newswriting and PR in time, btw.
dunno when izzzit due.
shld be tml.
will double check.

Limp Bizkit- Head for the barricade.

Sometimes you gotta fight for your right when you're
Not sure you're in a fight for your life, right?
If you ain't packin' any tactics you might get your ass kicked
Even if you are a little knuckle head
I'm kinda sick of being aggravated, i'm glad I'm hated
I guess i'm doin' somethin' right
That's what happened back in columbine
You gotta know when to stop and don't go over the top
' cuz there's a chamber deep inside the brain
That's covered with chains, so don't be shakin' 'em loose

Stick 'em stick em'
Stick em ha ha ha stick em
Stick em' stick em'
Yeah, head for the barricade

5 Jul 2007

20 year old Ah-Long

guess what.
i'm now a 20 year old ah long.
i met a friend from my year foc lah....
bruce dragged me to the blood donation drive.
i found out i couldn't donate blood (too young).
but i just hung around anyway.

i spotted her (she was in red cross LOL)
and she said i look like a 20 year old ah long.
every1 she asked agreed with her.
fucking hell.

oh well.
i asked hui lin that day.
she said as long as ppl dont say i'm 20 its fine.
19, fine.
now i'm 20.

oh well.
tml night. cemetaRY.
nad's i and e project.
and saturday?
no shopping.
no1 wants 2 go.

and btw...
i found sum1 else who's going to black sabbath.
she's paying half my tix.
then i'll carry her on my shoulders for the whole concert.
i hope she doesnt put on weight.

seen the blood donation mascot b4?
the big red drop of blood.
that was me.
it was rly fun.

yes, yuxuan.
i love this song too.

daz sampson. teenage life.

And if you give the kids time, together they will shine.
yeah yeah SHINE.
We all will shine, hear me now
And if you treat the kids fine, they won't do the crime, no no
Won't do the crime.

we're not angels.
except for 1 of us.
but y dont you all give us a chance before passing up on us?

thats a great song, innit?
i wrote these lines.
this song is...

we're not angels hangin' in the hall.
i'm sorry we're so off the wall.
its just us relaxin'.
it ain't too taxin'
so don't try to trip us.
slip us.
whip us and fuck wit us

b-boyin' and chillin'.
i'm down with my crew livin' it up.
just a couple of bros ot givin' a fuck.
our moves too slick.
for you fuckin' pigs.

checkin' us up?
don't even try.
me and my crew be headin' for the sky.
1 day.
do my work?
go to school?
we don't give a fuck wad shit u say.

2 Jul 2007



check this.
its really cool, so maybe i'm thinking of this.
i cant do this myself, because those magnets are hermetically sealed to try and prevent infection.
and if i sliced myself open i wouldnt know how to put it back.

i wanna go shopping again.
last time i went i was gonna buy a pair of shoes.
didn't manage to, didn't bring enough cash.
so i wanna go shopping again on saturday.
wonder who'll go.
i hope its nt me and the nigger again.
he can be quite a strain on the nerves.
i honestly wonder who'd go.
i wanna go beach road, bugis and queensway again.

this is freebird.
by lynyrd skynyrd.

Bye, bye, its been a sweet love.
Though this feeling I can't change.
But please don't take it badly,
'Cause Lord knows I'm to blame.