30 Dec 2006

firstly, i'd like to apologise to fiona. this is gonna sound quite insulting to you.

i just read fiona's blog.
yeah i know all i did was buy qr popeye's.
i know its just popeye's.
but hey, she likes it.
let her be happy.
and yes, i know its not much.
but we all have to live within our means.
to me, thats much less.
i know to you its not much.
but my friends said that they felt thier wallets burn up when i paid.
mock me if you will, but thats the kinda background i come from.
i aint exactly rich compared to most other ppl in our course.
i used to walk home from punggol to hougang just because my ez link card was empty.
and i used to walk half an hour home at 10pm just to save 45 cents.
im not exactly rich.
i know im not.
but among my friends im actually comparatively well off.
at least my mum's got a job, even if the income isn't regular and the operating costs are sky high.
my friend zen.
his dad died a while back this year.
his mum isn't working.
his family is bigger than mine.
no offense, zen.
we aint rich dudes.
im sorry, alexis.
but i can tell you for sure that i cant pay my way into your heart.
or make you feel like my princess.
im really sorry, but this is me.
perpetually broke.
and if any1 really wants to know,
i dont know where the fuck my bastard father is.
the son of a bitch owes us BIG.
i'd shank him first chance i get.
wussyboy ran off somewhere overseas, probably malaysia.
as soon as he enters singapore he's fucked.
my mum has a writ of law to hold him warrant for his cpf cash when he next enters singapore.
when he next enters singapore, he's basically fucked.
my mum's gonna sue him for every cent possible, including interest.
thats for all the 10 years of child maintennance fees he owes us.
me and my sis.
if i manage to get it in time then maybe i'll go to university.
yes, maybe.
life isn't easy.
and yes, i'll probably always look the same, more or less.
its always a ratty pair of jeans, chucks and a t shirt THAT COSTS LESS THAN 20 BUCKS, k?
money talks. bs walks.
so im gonna SHUT UP and c walk my way through life, K?


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