The usual purpose of self-injury is not to attempt suicide,
but to relieve unbearable emotional pressure.
Alternatively, self-injury may be a means of feeling something,
even if the sensation is unpleasant.
Those who engage in self-harm face the contradicting reality of harming themselves
while at the same time feeling a relief from this act.
These acts to reduce tension and emotional distress and may lead to a feeling of calm.
As a coping mechanism, self-injury can become mentally addictive...

Suicidal Blakk Metal Ist Liebe!
but to relieve unbearable emotional pressure.
Alternatively, self-injury may be a means of feeling something,
even if the sensation is unpleasant.
Those who engage in self-harm face the contradicting reality of harming themselves
while at the same time feeling a relief from this act.
These acts to reduce tension and emotional distress and may lead to a feeling of calm.
As a coping mechanism, self-injury can become mentally addictive...

Suicidal Blakk Metal Ist Liebe!
When night fallsDunkelheit- Burzum
she cloaks the world
in impenetrable darkness.
A chill rises
from the soil
and contaminates the air
life has new meaning.