17 Apr 2009

Steal this, Its copylefted.

Here's a piece of news.


jailed for doing something legal?
its like mercedes being sued because their cars CAN be used for drunk driving or speeding.
likewise the pirate bay's been sued for providing a service that CAN be used for copyright infringement.

i'm not explicitly anti copyright. i feel (very strongly) that we need a revision of copyright laws. the existing practice encourages conglomeracy. which goes against the intent of copyright law; to encourage creativity.

You know, we just wanted a level playing field.
You’ve overcharged us for music for years, and now we’re
Just trying to find a fair balance. I hate to say it, but…
Welcome to the future.
Download this song- MC Lar$

16 Apr 2009

Sic Semper Tyrannis

SINGAPORE, April 13 (Reuters) - Singapore passed a law affecting freedom of assembly on Monday it said would help prevent the sort of disruption of international meetings that caused the cancellation of a summit in Thailand last weekend.

An opposition member of parliament, however, said the rules would tighten restrictions on Singaporeans' rights.

Singapore is due to host the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in November.

Law Minister K Shanmugam and other government lawmakers told parliament the Public Order Bill, introduced last month, was needed to prevent trouble at such conferences.

"The backdrop of current events in Thailand, with the international leaders having to leave the conference by helicopter hurriedly, showed very tellingly the need for this legislation," he said.

Bangkok called off the summit of leaders from Southeast and East Asian countries on Saturday after anti-government protesters swarmed into the meeting's venue in the beach resort of Pattaya.

Shanmugam said the government would do everything it could to make hosting APEC, an annual gathering of leaders from 21 economies, including such economic heavy-hitters as the United States, Japan, China and Russia, a success.

"Singapore cannot afford the luxury of having this meeting disrupted," said Shanmugam.

The law loosens some rules applying to indoor gatherings, but allows police to order a person to leave an area if they determine he is about to break the law.

All outdoor activities that are cause-related will need a police permit, no matter how many people are involved. That is a change from the current law requiring a permit for gatherings of five or more people.

The bill allows police to stop people from filming law enforcement if it could put officers in danger. The bill cited live media coverage of Indian police trying to rescue hostages in the Mumbai attacks last November as posing risks to the officers.

Legislator Sylvia Lim of the opposition Workers' Party told parliament the government was taking advantage of political struggle in Thailand to "justify the implementation of draconian laws to inhibit the basic rights of Singaporeans further".

"As long as this government respects and upholds democracy, the problems now we are seeing in Thailand will not happen here," said Lim, one of the three parliamentarians to vote against the bill.

"But if the government wants to tinker with individual freedom and democracy to an oppressive level it will actually become the source of public order problems."

You see, this is the kind of thing that makes me hate this government. it is totally unfair. its like chess, but they can swap their pieces around anytime they want.

oh and i do solemnly swear to:
  1. Have no respect whatsoever for this law
  2. Not pay any heed to it
well as Thomas Jefferson once said,

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants
Well i think this's best summed up with an excerpt of an LöC song.
We will make them see their injustice and it will hurt as all fighting hurts.
They may torture my body break my bones and even kill me.
Then they will have my dead body. NOT my obedience.
We will take a solemn oath.
That we will NOT submit to this law.
We will NOT submit

13 Apr 2009

Yet another anti-china post. SUE ME, MOTHERFUCKERS!

its really disgusting how my government constantly panders to the whims of immigrants from china. they claim that doing so will bring us closer to china in the long run. but how do we know so? how can we gauge the reaction of a foreign nation with alien cultural norms, especially in the long run? most immigrants view singapore as merely a stepping stone to somewhere else. they don't intend to contribute. they just intend to take what they do not deserve.

being a small country with no natural resources, singapore's strength lies in our people. education and vocational training develops this resource. thus by selling this out to foreigners singapore's just shooting itself in the foot.

i strongly feel we do not need this large influx of immigrants from china. they do not contribute. in fact, a large portion of them are actually detrimental to the nation. many of them are here as criminals only. they bring no good to singapore. in fact, they are also adversely afffecting racial harmony in singapore. they refuse to speak english and butt their snouts through life assuming that everybody speaks chinese. i feel this causes an increase in racial tension. furthermore the policy of the government towards china immigrants may be construed as being racialist, something the government was vehemently denouncing 40 years ago as being un-democratic and un-meritocratic.

in short, the influx of china immigrants is threatening the socio-cultural fabric of singapore and opening dangerous rifts up between fellow singaporeans. they should learn to assimilate into singaporean culture in order to be accepted as such. otherwise they will be justly are rightly viewed as unwanted outsiders.

The Kiss Of Babylon (The Sins)- Orphaned Land

Worshiping the gods
that demand lives and sacrifice
None but the blood of infants will suffice
Fallen sparrows fall as one into a grave
They are the souls of living men
that could not be saved.

10 Apr 2009

Thrash Vest

parking these images here.

My Graduation Ceremony

as expected, i've gotten my graduation letter. about my graduation ceremony.
i don't wish to go. i don't see the need to indulge in unnecessary pomp and ceremony of an overrated event designed to masturbate the already overinflated egos of those hailed as "cream of the crop".

besides, education isn't all that makes a person you know. in a country that is HONESTLY in EXTREME danger of going to the dogs why aren't we taught more important things?
like national pride. blut und ehre? is pride in our sovereignty more important than the economic benefits of giving metaphorical handjobs to other countries?

anyway, i won't go if possible. i hate this kinda thing. all the people. all the waiting. i hate people. i feel claustrophobic when there's lotsa people. especially whenn they're not too intelligent. it feels like i'm being physically and intellectually garrotted.

I hate people
I hate the human race
I hate people
I hate your ugly face
I hate people
I hate your fucking mess
I hate people
They hate me

- I hate people, The Anti-Nowhere League

and i hate ceremony. i don't see the purpose of ceremony and ritual. if i wanted some stupid overcomplicated ritual i'd go to a church.

oh and have i mentioned the ridiculous attire? i have to wear this fucking bathrobe. and they clearly do not want me to go, because they want guys to have short hair. why do guys have to have short hair, for that matter? thats gender discrimination, innit?

We like it hard, we like it fast
We got the biggest amps, man they blast
True metal people wanna rock not pose
Wearin jeans and leather, not cracker jack clothes

-Kings of Metal, Manowar